إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

* Student life is always associated with learning, schedule and group activities. EZPUSH is designed specifically for your students to help you manage the schedule of courses and the group activities easier than ever. Especially when used, the head of the class you will reduce to 80% of the mountain of works such as: schedule inform, time change notification, document sharing, organizing activities, events, information exchange ...
* Features:
- Manage your schools schedule.
- Join grade credits and updated schedule of courses registered with 3 operations.
- Alarm schedule, remind personal calendar and the rest of the process specified
- Manage and share calendar easy.
- Join your favorite team and robust information sharing.
- Make friends with simple operations.
- Get notified even when not turn on data network.
- Support multi-platform.
* Commit 100% Free.
* Safety and Security.